BED system.

Combo-Kayaker's - Task: Bed System
Write up for their project Vauxhall Combo conversionStatus: 100% Complete

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Task Write-up: 

The Bed was designed to be used as either a double or a single bed and operate as a short or long bed depending if i wanted to put the seats down or not in the front. The final system allows for alot of storage under the bed system and the ability to fit a kayak into the passenger area without putting the front seat down and still keeping the ability to have a full length single bed.

I had the bed made for me by a local carpenter although I came up with the design he did all the work in the build and fitting. To allow for the bed to be both light and strong, he has used a frame of wood with a ply sheet on top. The design would (after undoing alot of screws) allow me to completely remove the bed if i wanted to ever return it to a van.

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