Looking for helpful suggestions and comments

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Looking for helpful suggestions and comments

Hi all,

I'm new to camper conversions although I am a mechanical engineer and fairly handy, so I wonder what you guys wouls suggest for me.  My as yet unpurchased van will need to be suitable for sleeping 3 when "on holiday" and just the 1 of me the rest of the time (I intend to live fulltime as near as damnit in my new project).

I will need both hook up and wild camping capability, full cooking and food storage facilities, hot and cold water, shower, sat tv etc with facility for  some kind of office area plus storage for work equipment etc.

Obviously thinking in terms of extra lwb hi roof sprinter/ducato/daily or similar but basically looking for any useful input at this early planning stage from you guys who have been there before.

Thanks in anticipation!!

biddy's picture
Conversion suggestions

Hey bignick,

Just some random thoughts - definitely sounds like you will need to go long and high.  Even with that I think you'll be looking at dual use areas so the seating / eating table and seats when on holiday will be the office the rest of the time.  I'm not sure how you could cater for 1 bed most of the time and the 3 occassionally.  I'd probably go for it being set up with a double (using the back bench seats).  You could make this a 3/4 width to save space as it will mostly be used as a single.  You then need some kind of removable thrid bed option.  I know folk who have fitted rails for a bunk across  the width of the van at the back (depends how short one of you is!) or try and do something above the cab which can be storage the rest of the time.  One other thing I thought of if you are need to fit lots of facilities in is the option to put a unit partway across the sliding door.  I saw this a while ago at a motorhome garage.  Cupboards in every available nook and cranny too!  Think this was a Ducato but can't be sure.  Might or might not help....